So, what’s the big deal? One more comic studio, you say? Well…not exactly. “VCS is not the typical comic book studio. It’s actually something pretty radically different” said C. Edward Sellner, Creative Director for the fledgling outfit. “It’s a Teaching Studio. We’re not a school, we’re a working studio that hones the skills of aspiring professionals to get their work to a level that can stand on its own next to any comic on the racks. All the while we’re doing this, we actually work with them on producing that first actual comic to compete on those racks.”
What exactly does that mean? Sellner explains: “First a creator submits a portfolio. The ones that show some real talent then get the VCS treatment. That means a thorough editorial review that goes over every word or stroke. Once the review is complete on the submission we return it and extend an invitation to join us. If they think working under such guidance will be helpful to them in honing their skills then they become a New Visionary.”
Once in the studio, creators actually have three types of opportunities they can pursue. First and foremost they can network with other talented folks to develop a creator-owned project. Some actually receive their first professional paying comic work and are hired to develop a property owned by Visionary for one of its in-house books. Third, all creators, essentially, also become talent represented by the studio for outside work-for-hire projects. “Our mission is to give our creators every opportunity to make it in the industry. Whether we’re helping them develop a property they fully own, give them actual, honest to gosh paid comic related work, or help rep them to every publisher every creator dreams of working with, it’s about giving them the tools, direction and opportunity to break into the world of comics!” Sellner adds, “with our Senior Editor Brian Augustyn, who has over 20 years in the industry, and who broke half the movers and shakers in the market today into that market to begin with, there really aren’t too many places VCS can’t get its foot in the door.” Then, as each project develops, VCS packages and represents it to publishers and then helps in marketing it. VCS has an entire production and marketing strategy which is designed to address many of the major concerns in the market today and to maximize a project’s exposure and sales. After all, a successful book means a successful creator!
What do the powers in the world of comics think of this? “Well,” said Sellner, “in the last six months we’ve been laying the groundwork for VCS I’ve had long conversations, lunches, office meetings, and personal contact with folks who are literal legends in the industry, to those who are primary shakers in every single major publisher in North American comics.” In the next few months as you see the growing list of developments coming out of VCS and some of the names joining the studio, the response from within the industry will become more and more clear.

What does the rest of the world think? “Well, seeing as how I’m uttering those four little major words to every comic fan: ‘We Are Taking Submissions’, let me get back to you after I dig out once more!” To learn more about Visionary Comics Studio check out our website at www.visionarycomics.com - CES
Studio Staff:
Creative Director:
C. Edward Sellner
Senior Editor:
Brian Augustyn
Business Manager:
Charlie Hall
Web Master:
Sean Routt
Creators / Studio Members:
Joe Button, Writer
Amy Clark, Artist
Paul DeBerry, Letterer
Raymond Francis, Artist
Bill Jackson, Writer/Artist
Michael Kingston, Writer
Brian Koscienski, Writer
Kirk Kugel, Artist
A. David Lewis, Writer
Chris McCay, Writer
Rob Meier, Artist
Chris Pisano, Writer
Ian Sharman, Artist
Robert Spencer, Artist
Jennifer Tanner, Writer/Artist
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