Egads! Another week slips past! And look, we've gone waaaay past 800 hits! With the Bristol Comic Expo mere days away, I've been keenly focused on getting everything done that needs to eb done before I attend the con'. I've also been trying to get the colouring on Smoke & Mirror #5 done before I leave for Bristol too...and all that's left to do on that is the shading on two pages.
My portfolio's assembled and ready to be shown around all weekend. And...talking of portfolios, my online portfolio is now up and running over at the Visionary site. You can access it here, just scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll find my work in the inking, colouring and CG Art categories. Along with samples of my work you'll also find some other important details, including my freelance page rates. You can contact Chuck at Visionary if you're interested in hiring me.
Despite my busy schedule I've also found time to do a couple of logo designs recently. At the top of this post you'll see the logo for Headlocked, a series about wrestling currently in development at Visionary. There is a HUGE buzz around this book, which is already drawing fans from both the wrestling and comics communities. I'm pleased to be involved with the book, even if it is in a very small way. You can find out more about it here. I've also designed the logo for Mamluk, which I'm hoping to post as soon as I know it's been officially accepted.
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