Well, we actually got more entries for the second caption competition than for the first, so technically it's growing, so it's returning for a third week.
This week sees us leave the X-Men 3 theme and move on to a comedy staple - Stormtroopers! Just post your entries by hitting the "comments" links.
In other news, I've started up an online journal (see the links to the right), which will be a bit less "formal" and "official" and will generally just be short posts about whatever. You're welcome to visit and please post some comments.
Okay, on to the winner of last week's caption competition. Well, sadly, for those people who thought that his head was already big (and bald) enough - this week's winner is, once again, Mike Kingston! Sorry folks....

Drop the chulupa!
Dave Benson Phillips began to regret his negative attitude to authority. Who knew they got "Get your own back" on the Death Star.
(p.s this won't win cos a) it's too british. B) it isn't rude and c) i ain't mike)
And yet, a) I am British, b) how could you come up with a rude caption for that pic' and c) what the heck is chulupa?!?
With the LAPD's purchase of new riot gear, racial profiling takes a turn for the worse.
PS: A chalupa (I spelled it wrong apparently) is a product sold at Taco Bell and Drop the Chalupa was from a famous line of commericals they did a few years back to intro the product....
Deja Vu ruled as Rodney realised interdomensional travel wasn't all it was cracked up to be.
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