First off - I have ordered three hundred Make Mine Slam! badges (buttons for our American friends) which I'll be handing out at the Baltimore con' next month. If you're attending the con', please come by the Visionary Comics Studio stand and pick one up (oh, and say "Hi"). The badges feature high quality original Slam Ridley artwork by Paul Ridgon and myself.
Secondly - Slam now has a fully functioning presence on the interweb. Visit www.slamridley.com for all your Slam Ridley needs. We've got character bios, creator profiles, a message board and a whole load of other stuff. We'll be updating the site regularly with more pics and info as it's generated.
Lastly, but by no means leastly - The Slam Store" is now open for business on both sides of the Atlantic selling exclusive Slam Ridley merchandise to amaze and slightly worry your friends and family. Slam fans in the UK and Europe should check out the Slam Store here, and Slam fans in the USA and North America should visit the US Slam Store here. Why are there two different stores? Well, the simple reason is that it saves you money! It means that no matter what side of the Atlantic you live on you can order funky clothes with Slam's smilin' face on them without having to pay high international shipping costs. How thoughtful of us, eh? Oh, and if you can't find what you're looking for in The Slam Store! then just let me know and I'll see if I can add it to our list of products.

The extremely talented Randy Valiente from Manilla in the Philippines is stepping up to the plate and taking on The Young Gods' six page preview story (coming to a Markosia comic near you, soon!). Randy is both professional and fast, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to share some finished Young Gods art with you all soon.
I am very excited to have Randy on board, but I also want to publicly thank Paul Ridgon, David Miller and the mighty Esdras for offering to take on the project if I wasn't able to find someone before they became available. They're all really busy guys, and exceptional artists, and it would have been a pelasure to work with any of them on this.
You can check out more of Randy's fantastic artwork at his blog here and at his website here.
So, it's all go here! Woohoo!
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