So...uh...did you miss me?
Right...um...what's been going on in my absence....
The Young Gods
Right, Randy finished all six pages of the short and they look sweeeeeeeeeeet. I'm currently in the process of inking the pages, and then I'll be colouring them. I'm hoping to have this done in time for the Baltimore Con'...which is...a week and a half away...gulp...
The Intergalactic Adventures of Slam Ridley
As you can see from the pic'...I got my hands on the very first official Slam Ridley T-shirt. Buy yours today at www.slamridley.com! Somebody out there has ordered the very second official Slam Ridley T-shirt...come on...own up... (I'm guessing it was Mr Rogers...). There's plenty of other cool stuff to order and, ladies, Slam ahs some very special items just for you in the European SlamStore! As if that wasn't enough...Slam even has his very own theme song now, which you can merrily sing along to on the website (and yes, you can even download it and listen to it on your very own i-thingy).
Whazzat? The comic? What comic? Oh...The Intergalactic Adventures of Slam Ridley... No, we haven't forgotten about that! Production of the full script for the one-shot is about to go into high gear, and we hope to make the script for the six page sample story available on the website soon (note to self: mention this to Pete...). Mr Ridgon is hard at work on a promo poster for the book, which should be available soon.
Everything else...
Okay, considering I am working on what feels like every other comic book in existence, I'm not going to go into detail on every project. However, I can tell you that the Headlocked 6-page strip is now 100% complete, and should be appearing in the pages of a Markosia comic near you soon. You'll know which one as soon as I do.
As I've mentioned, I'll be attending the Baltimore Comic Con in about a week and half's time. If you're going to be there, stop by the Visionary table and say "Hi." Pick up a FREE Slam Ridley badge (that's a button for my Atlantically challenged readers) and say "Hi, Ian, I read you blog!" Now, you won't get anything special from me for letting me know you read the blog, but you will help to boost my already over-inflated ego. This can only be a good thing. There will also be some lovely Headlocked t-shirts to buy at the con', featuring the rather excellent Headlocked logo, designed by yours truly.
(By the way, if you turn up to the con' wearing on official Slam Ridley thong, and you're a cute girl, I will, of course, be more than happy to sign it for you...).
Well, I'm currently STILL jet lagged, so I'm off to be slightly confused about what time it is...