Well, here's to the first two hundred hits!
The site is beginning to take shape now and it's starting to receive a steady stream of visitors.
Internet Explorer users may have noticed things going a bit odd over the last couple of days. I got the site just how I wanted it, and then decided to just have a quick check to see how it looked in IE. Oh dear....everything had gone a bit wonky. I personally use Firefox both at home and at work, and the site displayed perfectly. Still, everything's fixed now, and the code's a little bit tidier too. I would recommend Firefox though, not just for viewing this site, but in general.
I think I've made a decision regarding The Young Gods. I'm going to completely redo #1. As much as I was very happy with how #1 turned out, it really isn't what I had in mind when I started. It was a huuuuuge learning process, and, as such, I feel I can now better achieve what I originally set out to do. I've still got a lot of setting up to do, but I'm hoping to get a lot of work done on the book this week. It'll end up having a lot more of a traditional comic-book look to it.
I'll post images as soon as I can.
'Till then, I'm just going to enjoy hitting the 200 hit milestone.
New Comics and Graphic Novels set to launch at this year's Lakes
International Comic Art Festival
The* Lakes International Comic Art Festival* tales place this weekend in
Kendal (13th - 15th October 2017). Along with its free Family Zone, comic
7 years ago
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