Well, I know I promised pics of the London Expo...but...I forgot my camera...sorry... Still, if anyone out there does have any pictures of me from the Expo, please feel free to burn them and never let anyone see them...ever....
Apolgies for not updating in a while, but things have been kinda' hectic since the Expo. Not only did I return from the show with lots of lovely goodies, including a signed copy of The Tizzle Sisters (the latest masterpiece from the masterminds at Markosia), both Tozzer graphic novels and numerous other fun bits and pieces, but I also brought home one of these...

We've been doing fun things like going to the opera, watching possibly unhealthy amounts of science fiction and falling asleep during Kevin Smith movies (okay...it was Jersey Girl after all...not that it's a bad film...just not his best...and I was tired...and it was late....well, technically early...I wouldn't normally fall asleep during Kevin Smith films....honest...).
So, anyway, what else is going on? If you scroll to the top of the page you'll see a new preview pic' from the Young Gods. I'm currently waiting for the six page preview story to be coloured and lettered and then hopefully it will be published. I'll post here as soon as I know when and where that's going to happen.
In other news, the London Expo wasn't all fun and hijinks (and resisting the urge to run someone through with my sword...)...I also received the sad news that Smoke & Mirror is to go the way of the dodo. It's not for me to go into the details of how and why this has happened, but please treasure your copies of #1, and let's hope that one day we do indeed see Smoke & Mirror #2 on the shelves of comic shops everywhere.

On the Slam Ridley front, Pete is still hard at work on the script for the one shot, and I'm currently waiting to hear back from the new artist. As soon as I have something concrete to share with the world on this then I'll post it here.
That's all for now...I'll try not to leave it so long before my next update!
Good to have you back, Ian. I'm not surprised you're a fan of Kevin Smith, the similarity between you two is uncanny!
(only joking, but only if you're offended!)
I have to say I have not been quite as "hard at work" as I would like. Saying that things should progress Slam wise on the weekend.
Mick: Being compared to Kevin Smith is not offensive - so long as it's in terms of talent and not in terms of physical appearance!
Pete: I included thinking about maybe doing some work at some point as being "hard at work" for the purposes of this blog, so don't sweat it too much ;-)
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