This weekend sees me heading off to ExCel in London's Docklands for the twice yearly London MCM Expo (that's Movies Comics and Media, if you were wondering). As you can probably tell from the logos below the banner above, the main focus of the event, comics wise, is really the whole Japanese Manga scene, but Markosia will be in attendance, and it'll be the perfect opportunity for anyone who hasn't got their mits on one to pick up a copy of Smoke & Mirror #1. They should also have copies of the Smoke & Mirror and Of Bitter Souls tradepaperbacks for any Sharman completists out there (hah!).
So, while there is a work link to the event, this will mainly be a social thing for me. I will, sort of, be dressing up for the event too (yes, I know, shocking, ain't it?). Frustratingly, my Sephiroth costume hasn't arrived from China in time for the event, but I've got enough to cobble something together....including a wig.... (yes...I know...).
Saturday night is the big Expo Party, which I'm looking forward to as there's a live band, and it's been waaaaaay too long since I've seen any live music.
In the meantime, everything else seems to be gradually moving along. I'm a few brush strokes away from finally finishing the Young Gods six pager and Pete is hard at work on the Slam Ridley script. What I've seen of the script so far has really impressed me, and I think that, assuming we find a publisher and get the marketing right, there's the potential for Slam to be a big hit.
Well, that's all for now, look out for a post-Expo report and hopefully some pictures early next week.
Have a good 'un! I shan't be going as I'm allergic to London. The wig sounds interesting. Are you dressing up for BrumCon?
Still waiting for the incriminating photos.
Having seen the inked Young Gods pages, I can safely say they look amazing.
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates, combination of moving and...well...Pete knows about my house guest but I shan't say too much about that here.
I will almost certainly be dressing up for Brumcon now my actual costume has arrived, so you can expect to see the absurd spectacle of the world's shortest and hairiest Sephiroth. I do need a new wig though...
As for incriminating photos...I forgot to take my camera...sorry...
Hopefully the Young Gods pages will be coloured soon too.
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