Well, yesterday saw us make the long drive to Birmingham for Memorabilia. A long drive which, unfortunately, proved to be too much for my humble Nissan Micra, which decided to pack up somewhere between junctions 27 and 28 on the M25...at one o'clock in the morning. Not fun. Especially as it was on a stretch of motorway with no hard shoulder, forcing us to have to stand in the freezing cold behind the crash barrier, as various lorries sped by. Thankfully I'm with the AA and someone arrived to tow us back to Gillingham within an hour. But it was a fairly unpleasant end to what was a very pleasant day. And...now I don't have a car!
Anyway, back to the matter at hand, Memorabilia! This was my first visit to this event and I have to say that I was fairly impressed, not only by the size of the hall and the variety of the dealers, but also by the quality of the guest. Highlights of the day including brushing past the legend that is Leslie Philips and, at one point, looking down to find none other than David Carradine kneeling at my feet (what can I say? The man worships me...).
I didn't buy much, but I was able to add to my collection of Kevin Smith DVDs, with region one copies of Clerks 2 and the second Evening With Kevin Smith.
It was also great to run into Markosia EIC Rich Emms, who was hanging out at the Tales of Midnight booth. We also had fun teasing the Tozzers.
Unfortunately today there is also some very sad news. I'm sure many of you will have already heard that legendary X-Men artist Dave Cockrum has passed away. The industry has not only lost a great artist, but also a genuinely wonderful man. He will be sorely missed.