This is Butch - a pretty little puppy. He wuvs yoooo yess he doesss.
Butch is looking forward to Christmas this year - because he loves it when Santa brings him presents, including special doggie medication to help his damaged doggie kidneys from failing.
But if Santa wasn't to turn up, Butch might not get that medication. Or worse, if someone was to tell Butch that, for example Santa Claus didn't exist - well, this cute little puppy might lose the will to live altogether.
But nobody would do such a thing, right? Well, we'd like to think so. And we'd like you to spread the word for us on something, ensuring that lil' Butch here never needs to know the Christmas lie.
There's a book coming out soon - a Graphic Novel. It's called Midnight Kiss. You might have heard of it.
It's the collected issues of the five part, Eagle award nominated series by Tony Lee, Ryan

That's right, the Elric guy. He's cool, right? Well he likes Midnight Kiss. And he likes Butch, too. You like cute little Butch too, right? He loves you.
So, this Midnight Kiss - it has loads of extras as well, like sketches, alternate covers and the never seen before fifth episode.
But we need people to pre-order it, so that Markosia remember to print it - as they're all caught up playing with our friend Butch. Because they love him too.
Now, your local comic shop might find this difficult, as there's no Diamond code yet - Diamond don't love Butch, and they want him to learn the truth - but we won't let them, will we? Well, there's another option. In fact, there are two.
Firstly, you can go to Amazon.Com and order it from them - for this will work. For this we might throw Butch a stick, play with the ball, give him some of those tasty blue tablets he so desperately craves sometimes.
Alternatively, you can go to your local book, or comic store with the following details -
# Name: Midnight Kiss
# Paperback: 132 pages
# Publisher: Markosia Enterprises
# ISBN: 1905692161
And ask them very nicely to order it for you. That's right, any book store in the world can order from an ISBN number. Apparently. We were told this by ninjas. And we have no reason to distrust them, yet.
When people order, then Markosia see better numbers. This makes them happy. And when they're happy they print the book and I'm happy.
And when I'm happy, Butch gets a shiny new collar for Christmas.
But if you don't order, if you don't pass this message, link this message, do whatever it takes to get this book printed and in the shops -
Butch is going to have a very nasty 25th of December. I would say 'buy this book or I kill this cute, adorable puppy' -
But as you can see - if you don't buy this book, I don't do anything at all.
You do. Shame on you. Butch loved you.
Pass it on, brethren.
A note from Ian: Order Midnight Kiss, it's flippin' brilliant! See that little example of my inking that's been on this site forever...yeah, up there at the top right...no, not the pic' of me....below that....yeah... That's some inking I did over Ryan Stegman's pencils...from Midnight Kiss (no, I didn't ink the actual comic...the actual comic has Kieron's colours straight over Ryan's pencils...).
So help Tony out and go preorder his book...I have...and just to make it super easy for you if you're in the UK, I'm including a link so that you can order it direct from Waterstones here.
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