Saturday, December 27, 2008

Four Words

Well, on Sunday I posted this picture of Aaron -

- on Elephant Words. I was hoping it would inspire me to write something happy and upbeat this week, after three weeks of doom and gloom. However, as the week wore on, and I looked at the picture more, I found myself thinking more and more about when it was taken, and what was going on in my life, and so the end result ended up far from being happy and upbeat.

So, you can read my latest contribution here:

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's cold in here...

For those of you that are interested...

My contribution to Elephant Words for this week has just gone up, here:

You can find this week's picture here:

This week was a bit rushed. It was my first time being the Monday man, and the picture didn't go up until fairly late last night. I'd intended to get up reasonably early this morning so that I'd have plenty of time to work on it before posting it up at lunch time. Suffice it to say that plan failed...

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A New Dawn

Hi all!

My latest contribution to Elephant Words is now up here -

The image that we're all using for inspiration this week is here -

Comments welcome, either here or on the site.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Elephant Words

For a writer, I don't write nearly enough, so when a spot opened up to join the team of regular contributors over at Elephant Words I jumped at the chance, knowing it would force me to write something every week.

The idea behind Elephant Words is that every Saturday one of the six contributors posts up a new picture on the site, and over the ensuing six days the group take it in turns to write a short piece of fiction inspired by the picture.

You can find this week's picture here...

...and you can find my contribution here.

I was really quite nervous about doing this as it's an age since I've actually written any prose, it's all been script work for me over the last couple of years.