Yes, I should really be working, but I couldn't let 2500 hits go buy without doing something, but what?
Well, one thing that's fascinated me for a while now is the volume of hits that this blog gets. Sure, it's not stratospheric, but it's still fairly high for someone whose only real claim to fame is colouring a little known though critically acclaimed comic book from a relatively obscure British publisher. My visitors are fairly anonymous and rarely break cover and post comments to reveal their identity. The only real clue I have to who you all are are the Google searches that lead people mainly reveal you all to be a bunch of loonies.
So....I'm going to go through all the recent Google searches that have led people here and address them ins ome form or other...answering them where they are questions or directing you to more appropriate parts of the web where...ah....appropriate...
So, here the order that my webstats present them to me...
"Melanie Espinola" can be found
here, she's very pretty. Tell her I said, "Hi."
"Slam Ripley" was part of the inspiration for
Slam Ridley (who, yes, was originally called Slam Ripley). He's from the classic book "How To Be A Superhero."
"smoke wacom tablet pın out" Ok, this one is just odd. Do not try to smoke your Wacom tablet. It's not a good idea. A Wacom tablet is essential, however, if you wish to colour comic books. I would recommend the Graphire 4 for the budget minded (like me).
"peter rogers, comics, writer" Peter Roger is not just a comic writer, and a damn good comic writer at that, he's a very good friend. Links to Peter Rogers' web site and to our little publishing concern, Orang Utan Comics, can be found in the column to the right (along with links to many other cool and interesting things....look at the links...the links are your friend). Pete is, of course, the man who has breathed life into my
Slam Ridley plot. He's also just been published for the first time. Pete is a writing God, bow down and worship before him. Really. (Oh, and the person that did that search came from it wasn't just Pete searching for himself...).
"children of men completely cg character" Why? Just...why would you type this into Google? And...more importantly...why would it lead you here?!?
"midnight run chris mccay" Chris McCay is a great mate and den mother...sorry...I mean Managing Editor of Visionary Comics Studio. He's also the creator and writer of Midnight Run, which I recently inked a six page story for. You can find a link to Chris's myspace page in the column on the right...and you can also find out more about Chris at the
Visionary Comics website.
"flash show animation orang utan" I have a feeling that this person didn't find what they were looking for here. That said, if you like Orang Utans, and you like comics, you'll probably like
Orang Utan Comics. Our first comic, Eleventh Hour, is due out in January. It's written by writing God, Peter Rogers, with art by a whole host of very, very talented folk. We'd
really like to expand Orang Utan over the next year to the point where we're able to publish some really excellent creator owned books that just can't seem to find a home anywhere else. But...these things take if there's anyone out there with a bundle of cash just looking for a promising new comic book company to invest it in...
"can you render photos in comic book creator" Why would you want to? Get some real software...
"strip creator being ian" Now, this is an interesting one. I mean, technically, I'm a "strip creator"...and I'm certainly "being ian" maybe they were looking for me.
"she freak daz" Click the many Daz banners all over the page, I believe that the She Freak is fairly cheap or maybe even free if you join the Platinum Club. It's an age since I even loaded Poser. I just don't have the time, and all my work seems to be writing, colouring or inking these days. I really should keep my Poser skillz up to date though...
"hell fire club movie" This would be cool. Anyone know if they're making one?
"club giantess"...and... "3d art giantess love"
"malcolm reynolds han solo" Malcolm Reynolds is Han Solo written well.
Slam Ridley is Malcolm Reynolds and Han Solo written by two British guys who refuse to avoid the obvious gags...
"poser 6 jedi clothes" are probably available for free from somewhere. Keep searching...
"cyber 3d catfights" Get out more. Really.
"skander keynes girlfriend" I've said it before and I'll say it again - I do not know now, nor have I ever known if Skander Keynes has a girlfriend. All I ever did was say that he was very good in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe...stop hitting my site trying to find out if he's attached... I have news for you...even if he isn't...he's not going to go out with you! Go find someone you actually have some chance of dating and bother them!
"musica swett child o mine" Really...I mean....hitting my site and mis-spelling the title of my favourite song. That's just wrong. "She's got eyes of the bluest skies, as if they'd thought of rain, I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain." Blue eyes...
"club 3d strange colors" As I said, you people are odd.
"randy valiente" Is an exceptionally talented artist, who provided the pencils art to the Young Gods short which, yes, I am STILL inking. Yes, it's taking me forever, but I have a LOT to do and my own stuff always seems to sit at the bottom of the pile (because I haven't got me asking me where it is and when I'm going to get it done). This is why I'm aiming to step off the art teams of anything I'm writing. You can find links to Randy's stuff in the column on the right.
"strip creator of being ian" I'm wondering if there isn't some kind of strip out there called "being ian"...which would be interesting....
"marvel hellfire club logo" there one?
"tony curran girlfriend" Who is Tony Curran??
"swett child o mine lyrics" Mis-spelling my favourite song again....sigh... "She's got a smile that it seems to me reminds me of childhood memories where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky." Check...
"sneak peek for gods the movie" What baffles me is that searches like this lead to people actually looking at the site....
"chclub blogspot" Ah, bless you....bless you the one person who was actually looking for this blog. Waitaminute....Cardiff? Rogers....
Okay, so that was an odd insight into the strange and varied people who visit the site. Hits from Google make up roughly 33% of vistors to this site. Most other people come here via my myspace page, or the forum at Visionary. A fair few have the blog bookmarked. But...who are you?
Come's a challenge for those of you that regularly read this blog, post a comment just saying "Hi"....or maybe say who you are...where you're from...and how you came to be reading my inane ramblings on a semi-regular basis.